Pool noodles aren’t just for the pool anymore! These zany swimming accessories are perfect for a variety of uses around your campsite! Check out these useful hacks for the multiples uses for pool noodles while camping!
Protect Your Pokers
If your marshmallow roasters and hot dog pokers didn’t come with a protective cover, or if you’ve accidentally lost it, use small portions of pool noodles to protect the ends of the pokers against damage to both the pokers and other items that they might poke!
Comfortable DIY Camp Toilet
If you’re roughing it while camping, squatting down in the woods may not be your favorite or most comfortable way to go. Line a 10 gallon bucket with heavy duty trash bag. Then measure out a length of pool noodle that spans about three quarters of the way around the top edge of the bucket. Use a knife or scissors to carefully cut a line down the length of the noodle. Then fit the noodle over the rim of the bucket. Now you have a great DIY camp toilet with a comfy seat!
Rain Gutter
If you have problems with water collecting on your camper’s tent slideouts, cut a pool noodle in half lengthwise and place it underneath the lip of your roof. This will divert water off of your tent coverings onto the ground so you won’t have to worry about water pooling up and weighing down the material!
Protect Your RV Cover
Use sections of pool noodles to cover sharp edges on your RV before you put your RV cover on to prevent tears from occurring! Pay special attention to sharp corners, roof fixtures, gutter spouts, steps, and anything else that may be jutting out!
Prevent Late Night Injuries
If you’ve ever camped at a campsite where tent lines are present, you’ve most likely been a victim to tripping over the lines in the dark. It’s a common mistake that often leads to frequent camping injuries. Trip no more! Place a section of pool noodle over all tent lines to make them more visible to everyone who passes by!
Campsite Decorations
There are plenty of fun ideas for decorating your campsite using pool noodles! Cut small rings from different colored pool noodles and string them up for a fun awning garland! You can also use a pool noodle as a base for a fun wreath! For a neat summer lighting option, cut off two-inch pieces of noodle and stick the LED flameless candles into the holes!
Cover Your Fifth Wheel’s Kingpin
Fifth wheel pin boxes are at just the right level for young children to run right into and hit their heads on the sharp edges! To prevent this from happening, use a pool noodle to cover the edge of the pin box! This also protects the box from sustaining damage, as they can be quite costly to replace.
Protect Awning Arms
Another painful mishap that plenty of people have suffered from is bumping into RV awning arms. Cushion the blow by cutting the entire length of a noodle and covering your awning arms with them! Doing so will make your campsite safer for everyone!
Fun And Games For The Kids
The activities are practically endless for children using pool noodles! Fashion noodles into a ring and secure a straight noodle as a post for a fun ring toss game, or build a structure of rings to toss balls through for a challenging skills test! Fashion bits of noodles into swords for an epic battle! You can also slice off small rings from noodles and let your little campers use them with paint for a creative stamping art project! Pool noodles provide endless possibilities for fun!
Who would have ever thought that these goofy pool toys could have so many practical uses? There are virtually endless uses for pool noodles around the campsite and your home, and the best part is that these noodles are incredibly inexpensive, making them a fantastic investment! Taking advantage of these uses for pool noodles will save a lot of headaches around your campsite, so try them out! What are your favorite ideas for using pool noodles while camping? Comment to share!